Research has shown that people who have sex on a regular basis are less likely to develop depression. Psychiatrists are already suggesting sex as a stress-management technique. That is because orgasms improve mood, lower blood pressure, and release tension. Intense orgasms also trigger hormones such as oxytocin which act as a natural sedative. If you don't have a sexual partner,...
After reviewing dozens of different sex dolls over the last year, I have come to one conclusion - black sex dolls are the best. Although I am white myself, I feel that there is something incredibly sexy about a curvy black sex doll, with wide hips, chocolate skin, and dark hair. I have various different sex dolls in my...
Maybe the title of this post made you confused or scared at first... furry sex dolls? What the hell, right? Why would you want to buy any sex doll, let alone a furry plush sex doll? Well, the truth is, that whether you like it or not, sex dolls are here to stay, and so is the furry community....
Want to get your hands on a high-end silicone sex doll? Or perhaps you want to create your own custom doll? This is your guy.  The sex doll industry has seen incredible growth in the last few years. It is an industry which is full of incredible creativity and passion, but also a social stigma. Premium sex dolls look completely...
This month the first love doll brothel in the western world was opened, marking a hallmark first step in the quickly changing sex industry. What will the future of sex tourism look like and do humanoid robots have any place in this future?  It is quickly becoming clear that the answer to the latter question is “yes”, and in this article you will...